Abortion & COVID-19: August Update

While the COVID-19 pandemic is unfortunately far from over in the United States, many of the COVID-19 motivated abortion restrictions have been defeated, overturned, or rendered obsolete by states reopening. While the use of COVID-19 as an excuse to restrict access to reproductive care was a clear violation of people’s right to access care and autonomy to make healthcare decisions, it did teach us a few things about what a post-Roe world might look like. Below are some pieces that reflect on the lessons we have learned in the last 6 months during the era of abortion during COVID-19. 

Protestors did not stop harassing patients going to clinics and at times showed up in greater numbers. Wondering how a lack of social distancing fits in a “pro-life” ideology? Us too…

How the state became the perpetrator of reproductive coercion:

Abortion during COVID-19 is showing us what a post-Roe world looks like and confirmed that, unfortunately, many people are already living that world

So… what are some takeaways from this new era of abortion restrictions? 

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